Our respected Chairman Dr.Vijaypat Singhania has constituted Lala Kailashpat Singhania Merit Scholarship scheme to motivate our children to excel in studies. The scholarship is open to the students from Std I to IX & XI and to qualify for the scholarship, a student must not only get the Top score in his respective class, but also exhibit exemplary conduct and behaviour. This special cash award amounts to 50% concession in the Annual fee payable by the student (Std-I-IX & XI) and would be valid for one year.


This is awarded to the outstanding student of Std -X.


This trophy is awarded to the House that scores the highest aggregate in all curricular and
co-curricular activities.

CCA competitions.

Co-Curricular Activities enable to suppliment & compliment the curricular or main syllabi activities.The offered Co-Curricular Activities are- Debate, Extempore, Quiz, Poster Making, Rangoli Making, Group Song, etc.


Our students participated in several inter school events at the District, Divisional, State and National level and made us feel proud by winning many prizes.

Sports Achievement by Lalans from 2018-2020

The students  of Kailashpat Singhania High School participated in different sports Activities  representing

in different events at divisional and state level tournaments in the year 2018-2020.

In Year 2018-19

  1. YOGA – Miss Krishna Popat represented the school in Yoga at divisional level in under- 17 at Narshingpur.
  2. JUDO -Miss. Garima Singh represented the school in judo at state level in weight categories +45kg at Guna .
  3. ROPE SKIPPING -Mast. Manthan Dubey ,Mast . Alok Ray and  Mast. Aditya Singh represented the School in Rope Skipping at state level in under -14 categories at Hoshangabad.
  4. JUDO -Mast. Yash Kalbande(Weight Category+ 50kg) ,Mast. Himanshu  Sharma  (Weight Category+ 40Kg) and Mast. Hemant Kamble( Weight Category +40Kg) represented the school in JUDO at Divisional level at Narshingpur.

In Year 2019-20

  1. TABLE TENNIS – Mast. Atharv Zade, Mast. Yash Tagde, Mast. Ayush Shah ,Mast .Parth Dashare and Aryan Raj represented the school in TABLE TENNIS at divisional level in under -14 categories at Jabalpur.
  2. CARROM – Mast. Himanshu Ingole, and Mast. Divyansh Baghel represented the school in CARROM at divisional level In Under – 17 at Jabalpur.
  3. JUDO – Mast . Adarsh Singh (weight Category +35kg),Himanshu Sharma (weight Category +40 Kg),Mast. Yash Kalbande (weight Category+50Kg), Shaklya Deshmukh (weight Category+50Kg) Mast. Aditya Paradkar (weight Category +45Kg) and miss. Garima Singh (weight Category+45Kg) represented the school in JUDO at divisional level  at Jabalpur.
  4. VOLLEYBALL –Mast. Himanshu Ingole represented the school in VOLLEYBALL at divisional level in under -17 category at Umranala.
  5. KABADDI – Mast. Anshul Chikte represented the school in Kabaddi at divisional level in under -14 category at Narshinpur.
  6. ROPE SKIPPING - Mast. Manthan Dubey represented the school in ROPE SKIPPING at  divisional level in under -14 category at Jabalpur.
  7. VOLLEYBALL – VOLLEYBALL competition was held in KAILASH SINGHANIA HIGH SCHOOL, VIJAYGRAM, different CBSE schools students participated in the competition and our school won the competition.
  8. KABADDI – KABADDI competition was held in SANKALP HIHIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL ,SAUSAR. Our school boys participated and won the competition.

The hard work, dedication, team spirit & sportsmanship have brought laurels to the school.